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Discourse & Society, 13, 41-73. Drury, J. (2001). 'Bias' as a research strategy in participant observation: the case of intergroup conflict. Field Methods, 13, 47-67. Drury, J. (2000). Collective action and psychological change: The emergence of new social identities. British Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 579-604. Drury, J. (1999). The intergroup dynamics of collective empowerment: Substantiating the social identity model. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 2, 381-402. Reicher, S. The psychology of crowd dynamics. In M. A. Hogg and R. S. Tindale (Eds. ), Blackwell handbook of social psychology: Group processes (pp. 182-208). Oxford: Blackwell. Reicher, S. (1996a) Social identity and social change: Rethinking the context of social psychology. In W. P. Robinson (Ed. ) Social groups and identities: Developing the legacy of Henri Tajfel (pp. 317-336). London: Butterworth. Reicher, S. (1996b). 'The Battle of Westminster': Developing the social identity model of crowd behaviour in order to explain the initiation and development of collective conflict.

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Untitled Document Some of our other research on crowd behaviour Collective action and crowd conflict Drury, J., & Stott, C. (Eds. ) (2012). Crowds in the 21st century: Perspectives from contemporary social science. London: Routledge. Bankofideas, presentation on ' The power of the crowd, ' January 2012. Evripidou, A., & Drury, J. (2012). Approaching collective empowerment in the Greek anti-austerity movement: An interview study. Paper given at 'Theory, action and impact in social protest: An interdisciplinary conference. ' University of Kent, October. Drury, J., & Stott, C. (2011). Contextualizing the crowd in contemporary social science. Contemporary Social Science, 6 (3), 1-15. Doi:10. 1080/21582041. 2011. 625626 Drury, J., Reicher, S., & Stott, C. The psychology of collective action: Crowds and change. In B. Wagoner, E. Jensen, & J. Oldmeadow (Eds. ), Culture and social change: Transforming society through the power of ideas. (pp. 19-38). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Stott, C., Drury, J., & Reicher, S. From 'prejudice' to collective action.

Monday, 9 August 2021